UCC Logo at Pioneer Ocean View UCC Church in San Diego, CA

The United Church of Christ (UCC) is a distinct and diverse community of Christians that come together as one church to join faith and action.  With over 5,000 churches and nearly one million members across the U.S., the UCC serves God in the co-creation of a just and sustainable world.  The UCC is a church of firsts, a church of extravagant welcome, and a church where "…they may all be one" (John 17:21).


A Church of Firsts

Since 1957, the United Church of Christ has been the church of firsts, weaving God’s message of hope and extravagant welcome with action for justice and peace. Together, we live out our faith in ways that effect change in our communities.

The UCC's many "firsts" mean that we have inherited a tradition of acting upon the demands of our faith.  When we read in Galatians: "There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus"—a demand is made upon us. And so we were the first historically white denomination to ordain an African-American, the first to ordain a woman, the first to ordain an openly gay man, and the first Christian church to affirm the right of same-gender couples to marry. We were in the forefront of the anti-slavery movement and the Civil Rights movement.  Our response to the demands of our faith is woven into the history of our country.


Extravagant Welcome

Today, we continue to change lives throughout the world. We work alongside more than 200 mission partners. We labor ceaselessly to fight injustice, in the United States and abroad. We instill our vision into our youth and young adults, forging leaders who will imagine new dreams. And we sustain and develop church leaders, pastors, and our local churches to live their faith in exciting new ways.  We believe in a God that is still speaking, a God that is all-loving and inclusive.  We are a church that welcomes and accepts everyone as they are, where your mind is nourished as much as your soul.


For more information about the United Church of Christ, please visit the UCC website.



To ignite hearts everywhere with God's love. 


Extending God's extravagant welcome to all, we serve our community with openness and acceptance.


Empowered by the Holy Spirit, we promote peace and social justice, nurtured by prayer, worship and music ministries.


We are an OPEN AND AFFIRMING congregation where we embrace our UCC motto: "No matter who you are or where you are on life's journey, you are welcome here!


Principles by which we strive to relate to one another and to the world:


   - Faith in Jesus Christ

   - Love of God and neighbor

   - Spiritual growth and development

   - Service to others

   - Hospitality, friendship, and fellowship

   - Diversity and multiculturalism

   - Mutual respect and acceptance of one another


Pioneer Ocean View United Church of Christ is a congregation whose purpose is to proclaim God's love through His Word and to celebrate God's warm welcome to all. We are a multiracial, multicultural church united in proactively nurturing spiritual growth accessible to everyone. We are an Open and Affirming church providing a safe and welcoming place of worship and fellowship. All are welcomed into the full life and ministry of our church.


We respect the diversity of all who worship with us regardless of ability, age, cultural background, gender, economic status, sexual orientation, race or religious heritage. 


We support peace with justice in our community, the nation and the world. By affirming God's love, we, as faithful followers of Jesus Christ, express our love and support for all God's children, being mindful of the two greatest commandments of all, to love God with all your heart, mind and soul and to love your neighbor as yourself. 



Pioneer Ocean View UCC wasn’t always POV (Pioneer Ocean View) UCC. In fact, at one point Ocean View UCC and Pioneer UCC were their own separate churches with their own congregations, but their values and beliefs were very much the same. In 2004, Pioneer and Ocean View merged to become what is known today as Pioneer Ocean View UCC.


Ocean View was the first Japanese Christian Church founded in San Diego back in 1907 with the help of the supporting First Congregational Church. At this time the congregation came together as a branch of the First Congregational Church to celebrate their customs and heritage all while studying and learning the English language. After about one month the congregation grew to about half of all Japanese men living in San Diego, so the grown congregation moved to a larger facility in downtown San Diego. They continued to study English and help new migrant workers.


In January of 1967, after remodeling their sanctuary, the congregation voted to join the United Church of Christ conference and changed the name to Ocean View United Church of Christ. The Church experienced a time of trial during the early 1970s when membership declined. In 1975 things began to look up and the Women’s Fellowship and the Youth Fellowships were revitalized under the leadership of Pastor Dr. Yoshikuni Kaneda and his family.


The name “Pioneer” has been the first name of almost all the names that this church has enjoyed throughout the years. The name is derived from the fact that the early congregation began the very first church in the new Clairemont community in 1952. It was truly a pioneering endeavor.


The first service was held in 1951 in the Bay Park home of Mrs. Florence Benson, a founding member. Some 20 locals formed this non-denominational congregation and called it Easy Bay Community Church, commonly known as EBCC.


1954 was a banner year in history for Pioneer.

The congregation engaged the now-renowned San Diego architect, Lloyd Ruocco, to design a new church on the present site. It stands as one of the few churches, if not the only, for which he wrote plans. Many of the members helped build Mr. Ruocco’s vision. This labor of love was recognized by Mr. Ruocco and was both accommodated and incorporated in the final design. Fred Meyer, Mr. Ruocco’s assistant and the on-site supervisor, remains a member of Pioneer’s (now Pioneer Ocean View’s) congregation.


As the community aged, many of the original congregants moved out of the area as they became successful in their vocations and their children grew up and left the area as well. By 2004, the membership numbered 61 loyal members, mostly older people on fixed income. Despite prayers and heroic efforts, including developing the Point to showcase the beautiful view in hopes of developing a wedding ministry, the remaining members faced a bleak financial future as a church.


Elsewhere in San Diego, another UCC congregation was praying for a new site that would enable them to expand: Ocean View United Church of Christ. A merger was proposed and successfully completed in 2004. We are now united as one church, Pioneer Ocean View UCC!


The first worship service of Pioneer Ocean View UCC was held by Pastor Norma DeSaegher on October 3, 2004. The official Uniting Service was held on October 31, 2004 with guest preacher Rev. Dan Romero.


Ocean View UCC and Pioneer UCC each brought their own strengths together to further develop and expand the various styles of worship in our church services. This congregation has expanded to accommodate all people of different ages, backgrounds, and lifestyles, who have the desire to follow the teachings of Jesus Christ.


Pastor Mary at Pioneer Ocean View UCC Church in San Diego, CA

Pastor Mary Sue Brookshire


Pastor Mary Sue has been with us for 10 years and counting! She grew up in North Carolina, attended seminary in Atlanta, and has been in San Diego for almost 20 years now. She and her husband, Mark LeMay, live in San Carlos and are proud parents of twins, Hannah and Isaac.

Emily at Pioneer Ocean View UCC Church in San Diego, CA

Emily Mahumed

Office Administrator

Emily Mahumed grew up in the UCC and feels a strong connection to this church and its mission. Outside of work, she teaches and perform with various local ensembles. She enjoys being out and about and often her dogs on walks through Balboa Park. Emily also enjoy traveling and most recently visited Japan.

Kate at Pioneer Ocean View UCC Church in San Diego, CA



Director of Music

Kate Moody is a composer and pianist who has produced eight CDs of her work, ranging from solo piano to symphonic works. Working with choirs and congregations has inspired many choral pieces, originals and arrangements. Kate enjoys creating meaningful musical moments with all at Pioneer Ocean View!