The Latest News

 ===== > IMPORTANT NOTE: To read the complete post,  click on Read More for each post.

  • A CPR/AED class will be offered at POVUCC on Sunday, April 27th after worship. If you haven't yet signed up but would like to participate, contact the office. This is not a certificate class, but an informational/ hands on workshop. Class is from 11;30-12:30

  • Storefront is a teen homeless shelter in Hillcrest, affiliated with San Diego Youth Services, where we have the opportunity to help by providing a meal once a month. We need 2 or 3 volunteers to provide dinner for up to 12 people on the 2nd Thursday of each month.  The shelter is now accepting home-cooked meals, as well as hot delivered meals from restaurants.  If you can't arrange for food delivery, you can buy grocery gift cards which allow the facilitators to shop for food.  Click here for more details.  Please contact Susan Namba  for address and phone number.  A sign-up sheet is located on the table in the narthex. All food donations are very much appreciated!

  • n April 21, POVUCC will begin a Visioning Process guided by Jill White, a staff member with the UCC Church Building and Loan Fund (CB&LF). With participation from the WHOLE CONGREGATION (yes, that means YOU!), we will listen together for how God is calling us to be the church now. If you didn't RSVP, please still plan to join us! If you would like to join on Zoom, you can use the weekly worship Zoom link above. We plan to start around 11:30am. Other dates are May 5 and June 16, so add those to your calendar as well!

  • Do you play the ukulele? We have two pieces for Pentecost on May 19 and would love to include ukulele players. Please the office for more information.

  • Storefront is a teen homeless shelter in Hillcrest, affiliated with San Diego Youth Services, where we have the opportunity to help by providing a meal once a month. We need 2 or 3 volunteers to provide dinner for up to 12 people on the 2nd Thursday of each month.  The shelter is now accepting home-cooked meals, as well as hot delivered meals from restaurants.  If you can't arrange for food delivery, you can buy grocery gift cards which allow the facilitators to shop for food.   A sign-up sheet is located on the table in the narthex. All food donations are very much appreciated!

  • POVUCC's Prayer Circle will meet Tuesday, April 16, at 10:00 a.m. on Zoom. All are invited to attend! You do not need to share and can simply attend to lift up the joys and concerns shared by others within the group. We hope to see you there!  COntact the church office if you are interested in attending.